Baby Safe Sleep


Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) usually occurs during sleep, to a seemingly healthy baby:

  • Leading cause of death among babies between 1 month and 1 year of age

  • Most SIDS deaths happen in babies between 1 month and 4 months of age

  • SIDS rates have dropped since the early 1990’s associated with the advent of placing babies on their backs to sleep

The exact cause of SIDS is unknown at this time but known risk factors are:

  • Placing babies on their stomachs to sleep
  • Sleeping on or under loose bedding or covers
  • Sleeping on a soft surface such as a couch
  • Co-sleeping with an adult, other child or pet
  • Smoke exposure in the womb and after birth in the home or cars
  • Sleeping in an environment that is hot

Ways to help prevent SIDS:

  • Always place your baby on their back to sleep, including naps
  • Use a fitted sheet and do not use loose covers, pillows or stuffed animals
  • Use a firm mattress and never have the baby sleep on a couch or chair
  • Share your room with the baby but don’t share your bed
  • Don’t smoke during pregnancy or let your baby be exposed to smoke
  • Don’t let your baby get too hot during sleep
  • Breastfeed your baby, keep up with regular health visits/immunizations
  • Give your baby a pacifier when sleeping during the first year

Take the “4 Week Sleep Challenge” to learn more about your sleep pattern.

The better your sleep habits, the better you’ll feel!

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