Lack of sleep can cause or contribute to mental health issues. Likewise, depression and anxiety may cause sleep problems.

Poor sleep can increase the risk of suicidal thoughts for teenagers and adults.

Good sleep allows your brain to function properly and regulate your mood. It is needed to help prevent and recover from mental illness.

Lack of Sleep
• Slows down thought processes
• Impairs decision-making
• Makes it difficult to learn
• Significantly alters your mood
• Increases the risk of mental health issues


Sleep deprived people in a relationship are more likely to use less kind words and are less patient, leading to potential conflicts.

This added stress makes it difficult to sleep, creating a vicious cycle.

TIP: Do not talk about important topics when either of you are tired. Find a time of day when both of you are in a good mood.

MORE THAN 50% of insomnia cases are related to depression, anxiety, or psychological stress.

SLEEP TIPS if you are experiencing anxiety:

  • Exercise regularly
    Wind down with soothing activities before bed
  • Create a to-do list for your schedule
  • Avoid lying awake in bed for long amounts of time, as this can lead to insomnia.

Reach out to your primary care provider if these tips do not work.


Take the “4 Week Sleep Challenge” to learn more about your sleep pattern.

The better your sleep habits, the better you’ll feel!

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